Long Term Occasional Assignments
Please be aware that all Long Term Occasional (LTO) Assignments must be posted. All available LTO Assignments are available to all Occasional Teachers on the Roster based on their date of hire with the Board. There will only be one posting round for each LTO Assignment. Each posting will be advertised for three weekdays.
Teachers can upload resumes, covering letters and any other documents they may consider relevant for the Board’s consideration on the Board’s POP/LTO Platform under their profile.
HR-Academic Services will identify the five most senior teachers currently on the Occasional Teacher Roster who are available for the assignment and who hold the required qualifications. The five most senior teachers will be considered if they have not already been assigned to another LTO position during the term of the LTO assignment being filled. The five most senior teachers shall be contacted by the principal and asked to confirm that they wish to be considered for the position.
The candidates have until 12:00 PM noon on the following day that they have been contacted to decide whether they remain interested in the assignment. If any of the five teachers indicate that they do not wish to be considered, principals shall contact HR-Academic Services, which will provide the name(s) of the next most senior qualified teacher(s) ensuring that five candidates are considered.
The principal shall select the successful candidate from the qualified list of five teachers who have applied. Principals are not to interview any candidates for an LTO assignment. The OECTA and OCSTA 2019 – 2022 central agreement eliminated the interview process for LTO assignments.
If there are fewer than five qualified teachers that have applied to the LTO posting, the principal shall select the successful candidate from the qualified list of those who have applied.
If there are no qualified occasional teachers who apply to an individual posting, or if all qualified applicants decline the assignment, HR-Academic Services will transfer the posting to our Recruitment team who may hire an external qualified teacher.