Board of Trustees
Integrity Commissioner
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) has retained an independent Integrity Commissioner to support the enhancement of the Board’s ethical framework as it applies to the role of Trustees.
Role of the Integrity Commissioner
The Integrity Commissioner will assist the Board in updating the Trustees Code of Conduct and other policies relating to the ethical conduct of Trustees, as well as serving as an independent party for the filing and processing of complaints alleging a Trustee’s non-compliance.
Most importantly, the Integrity Commissioner will be available to Trustees to guide them in adhering to elected officials’ best ethical practices. The Integrity Commissioner's role includes but is not limited to:
Providing advice, guidance and training on the application of the Trustee Code of Conduct and TCDSB policies, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, and issues of ethics and integrity.
Conducting inquiries, where warranted, in response to a complaint regarding whether a Trustee has contravened the Trustee Code of Conduct, TCDSB policies or the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
Providing confidential advice to Trustees on ethical matters pertaining to them, and providing guidance to the Board of Trustees on governance and ethical policy matters as the Board may request.
Providing general information to members of the public, on request, about the Trustee Code of Conduct, complaint protocols and the availability of complaint resolution opportunities.
Maintaining custody and control of the Integrity Commissioner's complaint and inquiry files.
Submitting to the Board of Trustees annually a public report highlighting the ethical well-being of the Board of Trustees through the lens of the Integrity Commissioner’s activities.
Contact the Integrity Commissioner
Aird & Berlis LLP
Suite 1800, 181 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M5J 2T9
For administrative and advisement matters, please contact John Mascarin.
For Code of Conduct complaints, please contact Meghan Cowan.