SchoolCash Online
Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about SchoolCash Online? Find answers to questions about the following topics:
Is registering for SchoolCash Online mandatory?
SchoolCash Online is entirely optional. Parents/guardians are still able to pay by cheque or cash for school materials and activities. Please note that cheques are preferred, so as to help minimize cash in schools.
Which credit cards are accepted?
SchoolCash Online supports Visa and Mastercard.
How secure are my purchases?
SchoolCash Online is committed to protecting your information. We adhere to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) of Canada, along with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), and we are compliant with the latest PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) guidelines. Please visit SchoolCash Online’s Privacy Policy for more information.
How long does it take for money to be deducted from my bank account?
Most payments are processed within 3 to 5 business days. This depends on your banking institution.
Will I get a receipt for purchases?
Once the payment has been successfully processed, the individual who made the payment on the SchoolCash Online app will receive a purchase confirmation on their device. They will be able to print a copy of their electronic receipt by clicking the Print icon. All completed transactions will be recorded in the Payment History tab. A receipt will also be emailed to the email address associated with the SchoolCash Online app.
How do I request a refund?
Please contact your child’s/children’s school office to request a refund.
How do I donate to my child’s/children’s school?
Please visit the School Donations page for information.
How to donate and get a tax receipt as a corporation?
In order to donate as a corporation, and get a tax receipt in the name of the corporation, you would need to sign out of your personal account and donate as a guest. You would need to donate from a credit card that is in the name of the corporation, in order to get the tax receipt issued in the name of the corporation. Use the steps in the following document to check out as a corporation/guest:
Can parents/guardians have separate accounts?
Yes. SchoolCash Online was developed for parents/guardians to have individual accounts. Students can be added to up to five separate accounts.
Do I need to re-register my child/children if we move to a different school?
If your child/children are moving to another school within the same district, and SchoolCash Online is available for that school, the corresponding materials and activities will automatically be updated.
What if I can’t find my child/children?
Please contact their school to confirm that your child/children’s details, including name, birthdate and student number match with their school’s records.
What if I can’t find my child’s/children’s school?
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) is implementing SchoolCash Online in five phases, and not all schools will begin using SchoolCash Online at once.
What if I can’t see any items?
Each school creates their own items for purchase and assigns them to each child. They will appear in the Student Items tab. Please contact your child’s/children’s school directly if you do not see any items listed.
Why does SchoolCash Online need my email address?
Your email is required to create and log into your account. All purchase and donation receipts will be sent directly to your inbox, along with notifications of school events and activities.
How often will I receive email notifications?
Email notifications are sent only when new items are available from your child’s/children’s school, or for payment reminders and purchase receipts.
Why is personal information collected?
The TCDSB collects, uses and shares personal information for the purposes of planning, administering, and delivering its educational programs and services. The purpose of this collection is to allow parents and guardians to identify and add their students for online payment of school fees and donations. The collection, use and disclosure of personal information for this purpose are expressly authorized under the authority of sections 58.5, 170(1) and 171(1) of the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 2. The information is retained in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M. 56. The information will be shared with authorized TCDSB staff and SchoolCash Online service provider, KEV Software Inc., in order to administer the above purpose. Questions about this collection should be directed to your school principal.
What if I have children attending different school boards that use SchoolCash Online?
Please note that SchoolCash Online accounts are not linked with an individual school board, as some families may have children attending different school boards.
What if I accidentally sign into another school board’s SchoolCash Online homepage?
If you accidentally log into your SchoolCash Online account through another school board’s website, you may be able to view items available for purchase from that specific school board. Please note that the personal details of TCDSB students cannot be viewed by other school boards.