Dress Code
The Toronto Catholic District School (TCDSB) has a school uniform dress code that has been developed in consultation with the TCDSB community, and implemented with the goal of fostering safety and inclusivity in our schools.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school, and to direct their questions to the principal of the school.
Elementary Students
The appropriate Dress Code for all TCDSB elementary schools consists of any combination of white and navy blue garments (no denim), such as a plain white top with navy blue bottom, or navy blue top and bottom.
Parents are encouraged to speak to their local school principal for details.
Secondary Students
All TCDSB secondary schools have a school uniform. Parents are encouraged to review the school’s local dress code with respect to where the uniform is to be purchased, the uniform pieces and how they are to be worn.
All students are expected to follow the Dress Code for Pupils policy.