Liturgical Season
Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) has proclaimed that the month of June to be dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the Solemnity of the Feast to be celebrated on the second Friday of June each year.
It gives us an opportunity to focus intently on the symbol of the compassionate love of Christ. The love signified by the Sacred Heart speaks to a reliable, faithful, life-giving love which we experience in Jesus as we encounter him in the Gospels, in the Sacraments, and in our life of faith.
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Celebration of the Eucharist
God is love and Jesus is God’s love and compassion in human form. His life is an example of what it is to be the Heart of God on Earth.
Please join us in celebration of the Eucharist as we recognize the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The livestream of our celebration on June 14, 2024 can be watched below.
Below are resources to support prayer, reflection and learning on the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Feel free to also check the page excerpt from our Nurturing Our Families of Faith newsletter which highlights child and youth-friendly resources that can be used for home or the classroom.
Consider using this enthronment liturgy (login required) for your school or home.
Visit the Archdiocese of Toronto Sacred Heart of Jesus website for more information.