Liturgical Season
One of the most celebrated holidays and feasts in the Christian church is the Pentecost wherein we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles fifty days after Jesus Christ resurrected.
According to New Advent, Pentecost is a Greek word which means “the fiftieth”, and the fiftieth is the Greek name for the Feast of Weeks.
In addition to its history, the Feast of Weeks was observed in historic Israel commemorating the giving of the Law on Sinai.
In the present times, Pentecost is also termed by many Christians as the “Birthday of the Church".
In About Religion, it was cited that Pentecost was mentioned in the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians. This solemn celebration serves as a reflection of God’s great love for us.
Accordingly, the Pentecost was part of Jesus Christ’s promise to his Apostles when he appeared to them after his death. Christ promised them that the Holy Spirit would descend to them ten days after he would ascend to heaven and joined the Almighty Father.
During the Pentecost, the Apostles were given the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Through this, they started to preach the Gospel in all different languages that all people could understand. This is the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Excerpt above taken from AgelessHistory.