Events and Initiatives
National Family and Life Week

The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) celebrates National Family and Life Week from May 13 to 19, 2024. The TCDSB affirms the sacredness of human life, and National Family and Life Week (NFLW) is an annual opportunity to celebrate this.
We are called to be creative and supportive of life. All persons have value and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, from the eldest to the youngest, from those who are strong and healthy to those who are vulnerable because of illness or disabilities, and from those who can speak for themselves to those who cannot.
During National Family and Life Week, let us Walk with Christ, with Minds of Justice and Peace, as we care for those who are most vulnerable. All life is sacred. We are called to serve and to love one another.
Concluding on the Solemnity of Pentecost, National Family and Life Week 2024 offers a special opportunity to ask the Holy Spirit to accompany us in this celebration of life and the family. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) invites families, schools and parishes to explore the resources available through the CCCB Pastoral Toolkit (English | Français) for National Family and Life Week, the theme being, “Love hopes all things.”
We invite you to explore the resources below from the Nurturing Our Catholic Community (NCC) team, and the CCCB:
Supporting Resources for National Family and Life Week
Some conversations can be sensitive, so it is important to review the pathways to care that are available before and after any discussion.
Connect virtually with those who may feel isolated during this time (e.g., elderly loved ones online, call extended family or friends who live alone).
Pray with family and friends for those who are vulnerable. Families may consider accessing Catholic Family Services of Toronto for support.
Consider donating to programs that are supporting individuals and groups (e.g., Angel Foundation for Learning and ShareLife).