Prayer and Liturgical Resources
Prayer and Liturgical Resources
In a world where we can be overwhelmed with busy schedules, mixed messages from media, and a culture that focuses on material success, it is important to find time to centre oneself in God - to find peace, love and meaning through prayer.
Pope Francis extols, "In prayer, God keeps calling us, opening our hearts to charity."
Prayer is nothing more than lifting our hearts and minds to God. God, the Eternal Present, is at all times beckoning us towards deeper union with him.
Pope Francis reminds us that the fruit of prayer is charity - selfless love. We cannot spend true time with God in prayer and remain untransformed by his charity.
It is this encounter with Charity itself - with God - that impels us to respond with charity towards others.
We invite you to explore the following resources to pray individually, as a community, and to celebrate the liturgical season.