Prayer and Liturgical Resources
Christian Meditation
Meditation is a form of prayer and an important part of the Catholic Tradition. It is defined by the Catechism of the Catholic Church as “... a prayerful quest engaging thought, imagination, emotion, and desire. Its goal is to make our own faith in the subject considered, by confronting it with the reality of our own life.” (CCC 2723)
Catholic meditation differs from its eastern counterparts in that its goal is to enter into a deeper relationship with Christ. Instead of emptying the mind of all thoughts completely, individuals seek to become fully aware of God’s presence and love.
Watch as Pope Francis speaks about the power of Christian Meditation. The Institute for Catholic Education has also published a monograph, A Catholic Perspective: Christian Meditation.
To learn more, read the TCDSB Christian Meditation Resource Guide for Parents.
Watch a 2 minute video highlighting how students can benefit from Christian meditation. Consider supporting this prayer practice at home.
The following are additional resources to learn about and engage in different forms of Christian meditation, including lectio divina, visio divina, and guided meditation. You can also see the Rosary page.
World Community for Christian Meditation Resources
Guided Meditation - God Loves You So Much (3 minute video)
Guided Christian Meditation for Young Children (11 minute video)
Thankful for God Prayer of Gratitude (9 minute video)
Bedtime Prayer - Storytime for Children (10 minute video)
Thankful to God Morning Meditation (8 minute video)
Meditate in His Word series.
Abide Kids Sleep Meditation series based on Bible stories.
Bits of Positivity website features free guided Christian meditations for teens and adults
Guided Meditations for Young Catholics (tweens and teens)
Lectio Divina
What is Lectio Divina? (4.5 minute video)
Lectio Divina by Catholic Central (6 minute video)
Lectio Divina: A Beginner's Guide (Busted Halo)
Lectio Divina with Cardinal Collins (Archdiocese of Toronto)
Visio Divina
What is Visio Divina (1.5 minute video)
How to Get Started with Visio Divina (Busted Halo)