Events and Initiatives
Events and Initiatives
The Nurturing Our Catholic Community (NCC) Team organizes and/or supports events and initiatives that are connected to faith formation and curriculum.
Some of these are usually available at a specific time every year, while others are ongoing throughout the year. Special days, weeks or months are also recognized board-wide.
Annual Events
A Catholic Call To Serve (A.C.C.T.S.)
When Faith Meets Pedagogy (WFMP)
Development & Peace Educator Day and Student Days
ILITE (Intermediate Leaders in Training Event)
Young Disciples
Voices That Challenge
Camp Olympia
Faith Camp
Special Days or Weeks
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The NCC Team also works in collaboration with other board departments such as:
Indigenous Education, Equity, and Community Relations
Supporting their work on anti-racism, gender equity, Truth & Reconciliation, 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion, and heritage month celebrations.
Curriculum Leadership and Innovation
Supporting Catholic Social Teaching and the Catholic Graduate Expectations on issues like genocide, climate justice, modern slavery, and more.
Safe Schools
Supporting their work on anti-human trafficking, anti-bullying, and more.
Special Services
Supporting their work on mental health and special needs.