Prayer Resources
Virtue of the Month
Daily Reflections
Liturgies and Mass Templates
Liturgical Season
Christian Meditation
We have developed the following Liturgies and Mass templates for you to use:
Eucharistic Preparation Guide
Advent Liturgy - Version 1
Advent Liturgy - Version 2
All Souls Day Liturgy of the Word
All Saints Day Prayer Service
All Saints Day Liturgy of the Eucharist
Ash Wednesday
Athletic Liturgy
Blessed Pope John Paul II Day
Earth Day Prayer Service
Easter Liturgy
Family Day Liturgy
Graduation Mass
Holy Thursday Liturgy of the Word
Lent Liturgy
Living Rosary
Mary Mother of Us All Liturgy of the Eucharist
Mother Mary Prayer Service
New Year Mass
Ordinary Time Liturgy
Remembrance Day Ritual
Welcome Mass
Volunteer Liturgy
Year End Mass
Parts of Mass
Advent mass template
Easter mass template
Lenten mass template
Ordinary time mass template