Nurturing Our Catholic Community
Partners in Catholic Education
There are many groups who are partners and promoters of Catholic education, at a local and provincial level. They help develop religion and family life curriculum, enrich faith programming in our schools, promote dialogue on contemporary issues, and further the vision of what it means to be a Catholic school.
Read "Renewing the Promise: A Pastoral Letter for Catholic Education".
The Catholic Association of Religious and Family Life Educators of Ontario (CARFLEO)
Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE)
In particular, we recognize the role of the:
Archdiocese of Toronto in supporting our school board and encouraging schools, families and parishes to continue building relationships with each other. See some ideas for connecting schools, families and parishes in their publication The Role of the Pastor in the Catholic School (English | French).
Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (CPIC) at each school.
Finally, we honour the religious orders who established several schools at TCDSB and continue to support our work: