An illustration with red background. Virtue of the Month - Courage is written on the image.
An illustration with red background. Tamil Canadian Heritage Month is written on the image.
An illustration of Director Browne with 6 students in the background - Director's Annual Report 2023-2024 written on the picture.
Madonna Hosts Christmas Mingle for TCDSB Intensive Support Program Students
A large group of young girls at a mall
Group photo of Madonna students with the cheque for Kababayan Multicultural Centre
Teenage girls in uniform posing in front of a screen that says "Gender-based Violence"
2 students in lab coats, one is looking in a magnifying glass
4 women posing with a bird mascot with a Christmas hat
An image consists of a red background with 'Virtue of the Month - Charity' written on it.
Collage of two photos of Madonna students sitting together during the assembly
A group photo of girls outside in the fall time.
Photo of Madonna students in discussion with Honourable Michael Kerzner and Councillor James Pasternak
An illustration with people confused about where to ask questions. The following text appears on the image - Have a question? Here's who to contact.
An illustration with TCDSB logo and 'Virtue of the Month - Peacemaking' written on it.
Group photo of Madonna students in the auditorium with the presenters from Bombardier
Two images, one of 4 girls, 2 holding guitars, and the second image is of a man giving a thumbs up in front of a poster that says "MADONNA AMBASSADOR COUNCIL"
A poster that reads October is Latin Hispanic Canadian Heritage Month
An image consists of an orange ribbon with 'October is ADHD Awareness Month' written on it.
An image of with red background with 'October is Autism Awareness Month' written on it.