Specialist High Skills Major Programs
The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) encourages you to focus on your secondary school education toward a career area of your choice.
Students who enroll in our SHSM programs are provided with meaningful experiential learning opportunities in all pathways while also meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
Students who successfully complete the SHSM program of their choice will receive the SHSM seal on their diploma which signifies to employers and post secondary institutions that you have gained the knowledge, skills, and industry recognized qualifications related to a particular career field.
Visit the Ministry of Education's SHSM website for more information.
We offer Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Programs in:
Health and Wellness
Non-Profit, Education and Child Care
Students are encouraged to review the following resources:
Video Overview of SHSM Programs: Arts and Culture | Business | Construction | Environment | Health and Wellness | Hospitality and Tourism | Information and Communications Technology (ICT) | Justice, Community Safety and Emergency Services | Non-Profit, Education and Child Care | Sports | Transportation