The word culture is hard to define, as it means many different things to various groups of people. However, what is easy to imagine, is that a world without culture, would be a nightmare. Salawikain from the tagalog language means proverbs, and it is the passing down of knowledge generation to generation.
Filmmaker: Irwin Arzaga
Do you remember a the times when life was normal and we could be with each other and not worry about masks? This film is about the contrast between how things used to be and how they are now in isolation.
Filmmaker: Jalen Blight
Quarantine Unfiltered shows the realistic events that I have experienced as a teen during quarantine. I did not want to highlight only the good, but also the bad, the ugly, and the revelation. My main aim was to make a film that other teenagers my age can relate to and remember for years to come. This film unravels the silence from our busy pre-covid society into revealing and showing new and revolutionary truths that appeared during the pandemic.
Filmmaker: Joyce Dizon
Quarantine left a lot of people alone at home so I wanted to create a short film that represents how people felt during lockdown, people were expected to “be fine” in a time that was not.
Filmmaker: Katia Messina
Ivy League addresses the shared obsession high school students have with performing well academically. After a certain amount of pressure, ambition flowers into obsession. While our futures are important, we must learn to slow down and take our lives one day at a time while also preparing ourselves for what is to come.
Filmmaker: Klara Nemaric
Trigger Warning: racism, slurs, blood, swearing, violence
The silence of society during the beating of an Asian teen goes unseen and unheard, cascading into several events of Asian hate crimes occurring all over the continent. But once the issues are acknowledged by society, many have already suffered.
Filmmaker: Joshua Viar
A piano player aims to escape his inner demons and anxiety following the breakage of a relationship. In a four chord progression which he develops, a loop of images are evoked in his mind; a loop which he’s forced to play his way out of.
Filmmaker: Tomaso Sanelli
Michael is having a difficult time in isolation dealing with a lack of social connection, self-care, and routine. He discovers through a peculiar turn of events that his best friend has passed away due to Covid-19. Without any notice that his friend was sick, he begins to question whether his friend is even dead. For all he knows, his friend may even still be alive. His mental state has been severely compromised as a result of being in self-isolation, which causes him to spiral out of control.
Filmmaker: Aiden Bushey
Trigger warning: rape/rape culture, violence
Pain and suffering are universal truths that, in many ways, are still rarely spoken about. But it is when we can conjoin voices and listen to each other’s stories that true healing occurs. Yes, healing is personal, but from a big-picture perspective, it is also a collective action.
Filmmaker: Charlotte Marron