Safe Schools Program
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), including staff, students, parents/guardians and trustees is committed to the TCDSB’s mission of providing a safe and welcoming learning environment that supports academic excellence.
This mission is affirmed in TCDSB policies, including the Violence Prevention Policy. Every member of this community - student, teacher, parent/guardian, support staff, trustee, parish priest, volunteer or others while on TCDSB property, at TCDSB sponsored events and circumstances that could have an impact on the school climate - is governed by the policies of the TCDSB and shares in the responsibility for creating a positive environment that is safe, harmonious, comfortable, inclusive and respectful.
Anonymous Alerts
The Anonymous Alerts reporting system helps to promote a safe and positive school climate by empowering students to anonymously report inappropriate behaviours to school staff. Learn how to submit an anonymous alert.
Safe Schools Plans
All schools are required to develop and implement school-wide plans to help create a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment. Review our school’s plans for more information: