Parent Council
Our Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) is comprised of a dedicated and enthusiastic group of parents who work together with the principal and staff to help to enrich, enhance, and improve student education and achievement at our school.
It takes a community to raise and educate a child, each with different gifts and needs. We come together as a committee once a month to plan for the future of our students. We encourage parents and guardians to attend, become informed of all topics from the school board, to planning on the school level. At each meeting our Principal will report on upcoming events for the month, reports on test results, and the critical needs for the year. Student Council reports on their efforts and leadership within the school.
The CSPC cultivates awareness and opportunity to come together and grow relationships as we are all stake holders in our children’s education, by giving them our support and guidance. Meetings are always open to everyone to drop in and enjoy open dialogue.
Our community is blessed with so many gifted staff and students. We are a unique community brought together through our passion for the arts and desire for exceptional Catholic education for our children. The CSPC is a committed group of parents and staff that appreciate your support and involvement. Together we can make a positive learning environment for our children to grow.
For any questions or concerns, please contact us by e-mail at cspc.cardinalcarteracademy@tcdsb.org or by just dropping off a note to the school office addressed to CSPC.
Agendas, Minutes and Other Documents
For archived agendas and minutes, contact the parent council or school principal.