The Choral Program at CCAA features five performing ensembles including Senior Choir, Intermediate Choir, Junior Choir, Women’s Choir and Men’s Choir. Students from grade 7-12 participate in one or more of these level appropriate ensembles that offer opportunity for musical, technical and social growth.
Every year several performance opportunities arise which range from regularly featured concert events to special community events. Students traditionally participate in the schools annual Christmas and Spring Music Concerts as well as emerging annual events as the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols which is held at various churches in the greater Toronto area. Students performances for various community venues include the Durufle Requiem with the Brampton Symphony Orchestra, sacred concerts with Elmer Iseler singers, several performances of the Missa Gaia, Music Canada participants at the CBC for a nationally broadcasted performance, participants in Canada Day performances with the National Arts Orchestra in Ottawa and nationally televised Parliament Hill ceremonies.
In the past thirty years the choirs of Cardinal Carter have earned an enviable place in local festivals such as the Kiwanis Music Festival and Heritage Music Festival establishing a standard of consistent excellence in performance.
Alongside a full Secondary Academic program CCAA vocal students receive a comprehensive music theory, history, sight reading and ear training curriculum from grade 7 through to grade 12.
There are approximately 105 students in the program.
In the past twenty years the choirs of Cardinal Carter have earned an enviable place of distinction in local festivals such as the Kiwanis Music Festival, Heritage Music Festival and the Ontario Vocal Festival establishing a standard of consistent excellence in performance.
Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts has been proud to have many students continue in music excelling in opera and popular music.

Department Staff
Mark Huang
Email: mark.huang@tcdsb.org
Alessia D’Ambrogio
Email: alessia.dambrogio@tcdsb.org
Joseph Simone
Email: joseph.simone@tcdsb.org