Photo of the OUR BLOCK sign with the artwork on it by the students of Cardinal Carter

Students from the visual arts department at Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts—Rhae D., Lucy C., and Clara Y.—and along with the guidance of their teacher John Zachar created the new design for the #OURBLOCK sign which is located on the main floor at the Yonge and Sheppard Centre. The sign is a symbol that the mall is a welcoming vibrant community centre that embraces all.

Photo of the OUR BLOCK sign with the artwork on it by the students of Cardinal CarterPhoto of the OUR BLOCK sign wrapped up to hide the artwork until the revealPhoto of the Cardinal Carter students standing in front of the OUR BLOCK sign with their artwork on itPhoto of the Cardinal Carter students and their teacher standing in front of the OUR BLOCK sign still wrapped up to hide the artwork until the revealPhoto of the Cardinal Carter students and their teacher standing in front of the OUR BLOCK sign with their artwork on itPhoto of the OUR BLOCK sign with the artwork on it by the students of Cardinal Carter