Indigenous Education, Equity, and Community Relations
About Us
Welcome to the Indigenous Education, Equity, and Community Relations Department of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). Learn more about our mission, vision and programs.
Advance the wellbeing, sense of belonging, and academic achievement of all TCDSB students, specifically those who have been historically underserved and underrepresented.
Promote an anti-racist, decolonizing, and anti-oppressive approach throughout the TCDSB community, especially through actions outlined in our Equity Action Plan (EAP).
Work towards removing unfair barriers by listening to and valuing the experiences of all groups, especially those who are systemically and historically treated unfairly.
Encourage everyone to be part of positive changes that support the wellbeing and success of every student.
Model and promote open communication, collaboration, and ongoing conversations at all levels with all interested groups, to make our schools welcoming and supportive places for everyone.
Supports and Resources
Some of the resources and services we offer include:
Interpretation and translation services.
Settlement and newcomer services.
Student Nutrition Programs.
TCDSB Equity and Inclusive Education Programs based on culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy.
Indigenous education.
Parent and student forums, symposiums and conferences.
Referral services to community agencies, organizations, community partnerships, and various TCDSB departments.
Promotion of TCDSB to the larger community.
Professional learning opportunities on equity.
Community advisory committees.
Student engagement through partnerships with the community at large.
Visiting educational delegations.
School-Based Concerns
School-based concerns around issues of discrimination, including racism, diversity, and inclusion may be raised directly with the school Principal or Superintendent, or alternatively with the Board’s Human Rights and Equity Advisor.