A blackboard with a stack of books and an apple.

Contact Us

We are here to help and answer any questions you might have.

Roy Fernandes
Superintendent of Education, Indigenous Education, Equity, and Community Relations
Email: roy.fernandes@tcdsb.org
Phone: 416-222-8282 ext. 5370

Liliana Holden
Email: liliana.holden@tcdsb.org
Phone: 416-222-8282 ext. 2847

Community Relations Officers

Olivia Campbell
Community Relations Officer (CRO)
(Superintendency Areas 1 & 2)
Email: olivia.campbell@tcdsb.org
Phone: 416-222-8282 ext. 2846

David Letra
Community Relations Officer (CRO)
(Superintendency Areas 3 & 4)
Student Nutrition Program
Email: david.letra@tcdsb.org
Phone: 416-222-8282 ext. 2687

Ericka Aguilera
Community Relations Officer (CRO)
(Superintendency Areas 5 & 6)
Interpreting & Translation Services
Email: ericka.aguileramorales@tcdsb.org
Phone: 416-222-8282 ext. 2586

Jodelyn Huang
Community Relations Officer (CRO)
(Superintendency Areas 7 & 8)
Settlement Services & Newcomers
Email: jodelyn.huang@tcdsb.org
Phone: 416-222-8282 ext. 2682​​​