Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression
Addressing Anti-Semitism
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) is committed to fostering genuine partnerships with community organizations to build cultural awareness in a reflective and responsive manner and listen and learn from authentic voices. Our work in this area allows us, as a Catholic community, to dialogue and network with various faith organizations to develop appropriate curriculum materials and promote interfaith conversations and partnerships.
We champion initiatives, professional learning opportunities and sharing of resources to raise awareness and understanding of the atrocities that have occurred throughout history and present day. The Catholic Church honours the shared history between Christianity and Judaism and makes effort to engage in dialogue for learning and collaboration.
Given the negative impact of anti-Semitism, it is important that we actively work to break down negative stereotypes and stand up against all forms of hate and discrimination.
Our continued commitment to educate both teachers and students is reflected in recent learning opportunities, including a webinar hosted about genocide with special guest Max Eisen, holocaust survivor, to speak about his memoir and the devastating events of the Second World War and beyond. You can view this TCDSB interview on YouTube: Stories of Resilience - The Road to Hope. To learn more about Max Eisen and his award-winning novel, visit the By Chance Alone website.
The Curriculum department collaborates with advisory groups and the Indigenous Education, Equity, and Community Relations department to build capacity and leadership in TCDSB schools.
We encourage staff, students and our community to access the following resources to continue their Holocaust education and remembrance:
Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies: Access to virtual programs and educational resources.
Liberation 75 Virtual Holocaust Library: Video resources organized by grade.
Toronto Holocaust Museum: A space for education and dialogue about the vital history of the Holocaust and its ongoing relevance.