Special Education
Special Education
In partnership with families, the parish and the community, our Catholic education system is directed at developing the full spiritual, physical, academic, cognitive, social and emotional well being of each student.
Through their learning experiences, students develop a sense of self-worth and dignity as members of the people of God and are able to make a useful contribution in a complex and changing society.
Inherent in these beliefs is the recognition that all students, regardless of exceptionality, are entitled to education in the most enabling environment.
The exceptional student is a unique child of God and has a right to be part of the mainstream of education, to the extent to which it is practical and beneficial.
In order to provide an education in the most enabling environment, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) advocates the principle of inclusion as part of a continuum of services and programs which includes modification of the regular class program, withdrawal and congregated placement, and itinerant services.
Learn more about what we do:
Departments and Programs: