Programs and Services
The aim of the Autism Programs and Services Department is to support the education of students diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Learn about the programs and services we offer to students with ASD and their families.
What is the Autism Support Team?
The Autism Support Team is a multi-disciplinary team of board staff who work together to support students at school diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The team provides support to students with ASD from kindergarten through to Grade 12 and up to age 21, who attend a variety of programs based on their placement.
The goal of the Autism Support Team is to provide supports, services, and programs to allow students with ASD to be successful in school, and beyond. The Autism Support Team is centrally coordinated by the Autism Programs and Services department.
Who is Eligible for Assistance from the Autism Support Team?
Students must have a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to receive assistance from the Autism Support Team.
For more information, contact the Autism Programs and Services department at 416-222-8282 ext. 2799.
Who Makes Up the Autism Support Team?
The Autism Services Team is multi-disciplinary and includes:
Autism Support Teachers
Speech-Language Pathologists
Social Workers
Educational Assistants
Board Certified Behaviour Analysts (BCBAs)
We also collaborate with community agencies, allowing joint efforts to ensure the best possible service for students with ASD.
What Services are Provided?
With parental consent, the following services may be provided for students with ASD:
Direct instruction on an individual basis.
Consultation and program support for teachers and other school staff (e.g., develop strategies for self-regulation and communication, based on Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) methods, accommodations and modifications to the curriculum).
Assessment of skills and functional behaviour analysis.
Assistance with program modification and IEP development.
Support when transitioning from an Autism Intervention Program to school (Connections for Students).
Support when transitioning from elementary to secondary school and into post-secondary pathways.
Program to Assist Social Thinking (PAST) for selected students diagnosed with Asperger’s or Autism level 1. Learn about admission, locations and strategies in the PAST Program Brochure.
In-services, and professional learning opportunities for staff working with students with ASD.
How Does a Student Get Access to the Autism Support Team?
Requests for assistance from the Autism Support Team are made by the school, through a written referral process.
Referrals should be discussed with the Autism Team member prior to initiating the referral. Referrals should be forwarded to the Autism Programs and Services Department.