Transition to School
The Autism Programs and Services Department works closely with students and their families to ensure a smooth transition to school.
Learn more about some of the programs and resources available to facilitate the transition of children with autism to school, and onwards to post-secondary pathways.
Connections for Students
Connections for Students is an Ontario government initiative to facilitate the transition of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders from Autism Intervention Programs (AIPs) to school. This initiative partners school boards and AIP providers.
Connections for Students is centered on multidisciplinary, student-specific and school-based transition teams formed approximately six months before a child’s discharge from the AIP. The transition team continues to support the student for at least six months after leaving the AIP and entering or continuing in school.
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) is participating in this initiative, and is partnered with Surrey Place Centre, the lead agency in Toronto for the provision of AIPs.
Transition to Secondary School
Supports are available for students with ASD in Grade 8 who will transition to Grade 9 in the following year.
This support is accessed through a referral to Autism Programs and Services. Parent consent is required.
Once a referral is received, a transition team will be established to develop and implement the transition plan.
The resources linked below offer parents and caregivers insight into how they can help their child transition to secondary school:
Transition to Post-Secondary Pathways
The transition from secondary school to post-secondary pathways is a crucial one, as supports and services will change once a student leaves school.
It is important for students with ASD and their families to make informed choices during the transition process, as these choices can greatly impact the students’ future.
The tools linked below have been designed to support students and their families succeed in the transition to post-secondary school:
Preparing For Life After High School - For Parents and Families of MEDD ISP Students.
Looking Ahead Together - A Transition Planning Tool for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.