Photo of Mariana and Nicole posing with their winning medals

Last week, the robotics team from Madonna Catholic Secondary School showcased their brilliance at the Skills Canada National Competition.

From the very first game, Mariana and Nicole established their dominance. Despite fierce competition, no one could defeat them. In a dramatic moment, when our wheel fell off mid-game, they still achieved a perfect score! The team went undefeated throughout the competition, proudly bringing home the gold!!!

Capping off an extraordinary season, the team remained undefeated in all three competitions, never losing a single game at the board, provincial, or national levels. Mariana and Nicole made history as the first robotics team from Madonna CSS to win the national title.

The Madonna community is incredibly proud of our robotics team!

We may be small, but we are mighty, and we truly achieve exemplify STEAM excellence!

Photo of Mariana and Nicole posing with their winning medalsPhoto of Mariana and Nicole posing with their winning medals along with staffPhoto of Mariana and Nicole on stage posing with their winning medals and the Ontario flag