Capital and Renewal
Safe Indoor Air Top-Up to the Safe Return to Class Fund (SRTCF)

Ontario school boards were allocated $36.2 million in new funding through the federal government’s Safe Indoor Air Top-Up to the Safe Return to Class Fund (SRTCF) to support school ventilation during the 2021-22 school year. Eligible expenses were incurred between September 1, 2021 and August 31, 2022.
Eligible expenses recognize the diverse ventilation needs in schools across the province:
Retrofits, repairs, upgrades and installation of HVAC infrastructure - prioritizing school spaces without mechanical ventilation.
Maintenance and recommissioning of HVAC systems.
Purchase and installation of mechanical ventilation filters.
Purchase of standalone high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter units and filters.
As part of the SRTCF funding, the Toronto Catholic District School board (TCDSB) received $2,043,519 toward this initiative. The following projects were completed as part of the SRTCF program:
Holy Family Catholic School: HVAC Ventilation Upgrades
Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School: New Ventilation System in School
St. Dorothy Catholic School: Indoor Ventilation upgrades
Transfiguration of Our Lord Catholic School: Terminal units, Fan Coil units and BAS
System-wide: System HVAC Maintenance and Filter Installation