Through our partnership with EcoSchools Canada, a registered charity with the longest-standing and largest environmental certification program for K-12 schools in Canada, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) can offer students unique opportunities to learn about their ecological footprint and the ways they can reduce their impact on the Earth.
The vision of EcoSchools Canada is to make every school an EcoSchool. The program nurtures student leaders, reduces the environmental impacts of schools and builds sustainable school communities.
Steps To Becoming An EcoSchool
Becoming an EcoSchool is simple! Its starts with passionate individuals who take action to promote environmental awareness. Follow these four steps:
Spark conversation, raise awareness, and invite your school community to learn more about environmental initiatives.
Complete the EcoSchools Application registration. Visit EcoSchools Canada Registration for more information.
Explore and implement Action Plans in your school community.
Learn More About EcoSchools
To learn more about EcoSchools Canada, we have included helpful videos to get you started.
Contact Information
We are here to help and answer any questions you might have. Please contact:
Bruno Pileggi
Science, Social Studies and ECOSHOOLS Resource Teacher
Email: bruno.pileggi@tcdsb.org
Valeria Luciani
Officer of Environmental Services, TCDSB
Email: valeria.luciani@tcdsb.org