Environmental Support Services
Water Sampling and Testing Program
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) has an annual water sampling and testing program, which has been in place since 1989, to test for lead in drinking water in schools and offices.
The Ministry of Environment announced on June 7, 2007 a new regulation requiring schools to test their water for lead annually and to flush their water daily for at least 5 minutes.
Ontario Regulation 243/07
TCDSB's testing and flushing program exceeds many of the requirements in Ontario Regulation 243/07.
Head Caretakers have been flushing the water every morning for 20 minutes before classes begin.
Water Testing and Sampling Results
Access the water testing and sampling results for our schools:
Contact Information
For more information, please contact Marta Radic (marta.radic@tcdsb.org).