The Neil McNeil Music Department is restarting the tradition of performance trips and did so with quite a significant one.
The school’s Concert Band had previously performed at the Provincial Band Festival for Ontario in February, earning a Silver Plus rating which qualified them for an invitation to the prestigious 'Nationals'. They rehearsed diligently and finally attended MusicFest in Niagara Falls on May 15-16, along with schools from all over the country, from coast-to-coast. When they were on stage for their set, despite the nerves of being on the big stage, they still demonstrated their perfectionist skills, earning a Silver Award rating (out of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit) from the adjudicators.
This Silver Award is given to any ensemble that demonstrates an 'exceedingly high standard of musical performance', a great result in their debut appearance at MusicFest. The Concert Band was also rewarded with an hour-long clinic with one of the professional adjudicators, who provided some great insight and musical ideas to the Band.
Neil McNeil’s Band Director and Music teacher, Mr. J. Stepanian, was extremely proud of the hard work of students in succeeding at these prestigious events. The Music Department looks forward to building on these remarkable achievements by preparing for their next big event, the school’s annual Spring Concert on Thursday, June 1.