Attendance Policies
If a student will be absent or late, a parent/guardian must report the absence in Safe Arrivals.
Ministry of Education regulations state that "all students shall attend classes regularly and punctually”. Class participation forms an integral part of all courses.
In order for students to be successful and realize their academic potential, regular attendance and punctuality are not only expected but required by statute. Responsibility for attendance and punctuality rests with the students and their parents.
For additional information, please contact the school:
Email: neilmcneil.info@tcdsb.org
Students Over 18 Years of Age
Please note that once your son turns 18, guidance will contact your son with a letter regarding continued communication from the school.
School Day
Neil McNeil is a semestered school with a four period day. The building will be open to students from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM. Students should not be in the building outside of these times unless they are participating in a school sanctioned activity under the direct supervision of a teacher.
If a student will be absent or late, a parent/guardian should telephone the school in the morning before 8:15 AM.
A student will not be admitted to class without an admit slip from the Office.
Leaving School Property
Students are encouraged to participate in a wide range and variety of extra-curricular activities during the school day. Students must sign out at all times when leaving school property during the day. Students who request the sign out privilege during the scheduled classes require parental permission to leave school.
Students over 18 years of age are able to sign out without parental consent.