Community Service Opportunities
It is a Ministry requirement that students complete 40 hours of community service in order to graduate.
It is also Neil McNeil's mission to teach our students to use their gifts to serve their communities.
Earning Hours
The Ministry is providing increased flexibility in how all secondary students can earn hours, allowing students to earn hours during the time allotted for the instructional program on a school day, or duties normally performed in the home (e.g., walking a younger child to and from school, helping younger siblings with school work).
Students aged 14 years and older can count up to a maximum of 10 hours from paid employment towards their earned hours at the discretion of the principal.
Download the following forms, get it signed by your supervisor and drop it off in the Guidance office or email it to your Guidance Counsellor.
Opportunities are posted regularly to the Guidance Google Classrooms.
You can also review the following websites:
Freshman 40 - Grade 9 students who complete their 40 hours by the end of April receive special recognition at our Freshman 40 celebration breakfast (subject to Toronto Public Health protocols).
Faith in Action Program - students who reach various 'milestones' of service are rewarded each year with a Neil McNeil lapel pin.
Bronze pin is awarded to each student who has earned 100 hours.
Silver pin is awarded to students who have reached 250 hours.
Gold pin is awarded to students who have earned 500 hours.
Students who reach these incredible goals are also rewarded through increased scholarship opportunities from community organizations and post secondary institutions.