Course selection for next year is underway!
Use myBlueprint to research careers, college and university programs so that you know which courses you need to take to get there.
Virtual assemblies are taking place on February 15 and 23 to review pathway resources, course planning and the course selection process in myBlueprint.
Presentations are posted in the Guidance Google Classrooms and will be shared with parents through School Messenger.
Important Dates
Courses planned in myBlueprint High School Plan:
Start anytime.
Course selection open for submission through myBlueprint:
February 25 to March 2.
Activity Fee paid online:
February 25 to March 2.
Visit SchoolCash Online to make payment.
Fee is $100 per student. $90 for each sibling
Contact us for questions or concerns about the Activity Fee:
Email: neilmcneil.info@tcdsb.org.
About myBlueprint
Explore all that myBlueprint has to offer and build your own Individual Pathway Plan (IPP).
Complete Interest Surveys (helping to determine a Pathway).
Build customized high school course plans including goal setting and education planning.
Identify the post-secondary options that are available.
Short-list programs and occupations of interest.
Explore valuable information about apprenticeships, college programs, university programs and workplace opportunities across Canada.
Determine requirements and register for the SHSM program.
Record extra-curricular activities and more.
With direct access from home, parents can get more informed and involved in their child’s education. Log in and learn about courses, graduation requirements and the endless options available to your child.