Families and students are encouraged to review our Assessment and Evaluation policy.
Neil McNeil students are responsible not only for their behaviour in the classroom and the school but also for showing what they have learned or accomplished in the time frame allowed, and in a form approved by the teacher.
Students must understand that there will be consequences for not completing assignments for evaluation or for submitting those assignments late.
Students must therefore communicate to their teachers any known reasons why they cannot fulfill this expectation and arrange for suitable adjustments for submissions in advance of any given deadlines.
For Grades 9 to 12, a final grade (percentage mark) will be determined as follows:
70% of the grade will be based on evaluation conducted throughout the course [and] should reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement throughout the course, although special consideration should be given to more recent evidence of achievement.
30% of the grade will be based on a final evaluation administered towards the end of the course, [and] will be based on evidence [that] allows the student an opportunity to demonstrate comprehensive achievement of the overall expectations for the course.
(Edited for length from Growing Success, Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools, MOET, 2010.)
Late and Missing Assignments
Assignments submitted late are subject to an academic penalty up to 10% per school day to a maximum of 50%. This will be done in consultation with the department head.
Once assignments are marked and returned, late assignments will not be accepted, and a mark of zero will be issued.
Exceptions may be made for injury, illness, and compassionate reasons. Accommodations will be made for exceptionalities, such as Individual Education Plans and English Language Learners.
Cheating and Plagiarism
If a student is caught cheating or plagiarising, an investigation by the school administration will take place, and a mark of zero may be issued. An incident report will be logged in the Safe Schools Report.
If a student is caught cheating or plagiarizing a second time, after an investigation by administration, a suspension may be issued and the student may receive a mark of zero.
All Students:
Will be instructed by the Teacher-Librarian and the subject teacher about avoiding plagiarism and using standard methods of citation. (Examples provided in this handbook)
Will be expected to use acceptable citation methods.
As stated in the agenda, students will not use mobile phones or any electronic device in the classroom. Students found with any electronic devices on them during formal evaluations may receive a mark of zero.
Missed Tests
Students will be given ample notice of tests and examinations. It is their responsibility to make teachers aware of any known absences. If absent on the day of a test, a note of explanation from parents is required before alternative arrangements are made.
As always, if you are absent for any unforeseen reason, for a test day, a call to the attendance office followed by a note from parents is required.
Course Failure
For every student who fails a course, the subject teacher must recommend one of the following options:
Repeating the entire course (in the same course type or in a different course type).
Summer school.
Night school.
Credit recovery.