Course Calendar
Special Education
Special Education programming is provided to students with identified special education needs.
Placement in Regular class with Withdrawal Assistance, Regular Class with Resource Assistance and Regular Class with Indirect Support:
Special Education programs and services to meet the needs of students are available in secondary schools. Students may be identified as exceptional through the Identification, Placement and Review Committee process. Students may also have a placement determined through this process. All students identified as exceptional will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that documents the students program accommodations, modifications, and alternative expectations, as applicable. Students who do not have an exceptionality but have been identified as requiring special education support will also have an IEP developed.
Students with an IEP are offered learning opportunities through differentiated instruction. The Special Education teacher, the subject matter teachers (as applicable), and the student (where appropriate) will collaborate on the development of the IEP.
Teachers assist students with accessing the curriculum expectations in accordance with the learning goals outlined in the IEP. Support is provided based on the student's needs and placement. Information about the students’ learning profile is shared during the exchange of information/in-take process in preparation for the transition to high school.
Placement of Special Education Class with Partial Integration or Special Education Class Full Time:
Students who require more Intensive support and programming are enrolled in Alternative curriculum (K courses that are not credit bearing). Students are placed in an Intensive Support Program (ISP) with a focus on life-skills development, working toward independence and post-21 transition planning. All alternative programming expectations are outlined in the student's IEP. Students with a placement of Partial Integration will have the opportunity to enroll participate in at least one course per semester/term.
Visit the Special Services department website for more information on Special Education: