French as a Second Language
You can find information about our programs, application process and how to support your child in their journey to learn French as a second or additional language, Special Education and Inclusion in French as a Second Language (FSL) programs, resources, links and more.
Core French
At the elementary level, Core French is offered from Grades 1 to 8.
In Grades 1 to 4, students study French for 30 minutes, four days per week.
In Grades 5 to 8, students study French for 30 minutes, five days per week.
At the secondary level, academic, applied and open courses are offered for Grades 9 and 10, and university preparation and open courses are offered for Grades 11 and 12. Students must earn at least one Secondary School credit in French to obtain an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
Extended French
At the elementary level, Extended French is offered from Grades 5 to 8 in 18 schools. Students learn French as a subject and French serves as the language of instruction in at least one other subject, such as social studies, history, geography, physical education, health and visual arts.
Instruction is provided in French for approximately 50% of the total instructional time until Grade 8 graduation. French instructional time may vary to address the school’s local needs, particularly in combined grades.
The Extended French Program is offered to students beginning in Grade 5 in the following schools:
The Secondary Extended French program, a continuation of the Elementary Extended French program, is offered at 11 Toronto Catholic Secondary Schools. Students who complete the Extended French program from Grades 9 to 12 are eligible for the TCDSB Extended French Certificate upon graduation.
The Secondary Extended French certificate requires a student to complete a minimum of seven Extended French credits*, of which four must be French Language credits*, and a minimum of three other credits* in French.
* A credit consists of 110 hours of instruction.
If you would like to register your child in the Extended French program, please contact your nearest Extended French School.
French Immersion
French Immersion programs are designed for students who do not speak French at home. In the TCDSB, French Immersion begins in Junior Kindergarten in 19 schools. Students learn French as a subject and French serves as the language of instruction in most other subjects.
From Kindergarten to Grade 4, students will receive approximately 75% of their instruction in French. From Grades 5 to 8, students will receive approximately 50% of their instruction in French. French instructional time may vary to address the school’s local needs, particularly in combined grades.
French Immersion is offered at the following elementary schools:
The Secondary French Immersion program, a continuation of the Elementary French Immersion program, is offered at three Toronto Catholic Secondary Schools.
Students who complete the French Immersion program from Grades 9 to 12 are eligible for the TCDSB French Immersion Certificate upon graduation. The Secondary French Immersion certificate requires a student to complete a minimum of ten French Immersion credits*, of which four must be French Language credits*, and a minimum of six other credits* in French.
French Immersion is offered at the following secondary schools:
If you would like to register your child in the French Immersion program, please contact the school nearest you, which offers the program.
Summer Camps
The following summer camp opportunities are available for families to explore: