Course Calendar
Secondary Program Information
Students are provided with multiple pathway possibilities beginning in high school, to ensure that all students have the opportunity to transition to the next stage of their education regardless of their chosen destination. A successful pathway balances a student’s interests with their personal goals.
A program pathway:
Consists of the combination of courses that make up a student’s educational program and the support provided in offering that program.
Is designed to lead a student to a particular destination, and should reflect the goals that motivate students to complete their secondary education.
Is considered successful if each student makes a smooth transition to the next stage of his or her life, be that apprenticeship, college, community living, university, or the workplace.
Program Pathways are flexible and can be changed. In most cases a student can change levels if skills are acquired and consultation with a guidance teacher-counsellor takes place.
Types of Courses
Students can refer to the following information on types of courses.
Course Changes
Students can refer to the following information on course changes. As students proceed through secondary school, their educational goals may change. When students decide to embark on a new pathway, course destinations between grades may change. For pathway planning support, speak with your Guidance Teacher-Counsellor.