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Course Calendar
Course Calendar
This Course Calendar is designed to help you meet your educational planning needs. It is also meant to encourage parents/guardians and students to keep themselves up to date with what is going on in secondary education in Ontario and the programs in their schools.
The Calendar outlines courses available to students in all Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) secondary schools.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the general information located in this section. It is your responsibility to ensure that the courses you choose are appropriate for program requirements.
Program and Course Information
The Course Calendar will help you understand the course selection process and provide information on the courses and programs offered in Toronto Catholic schools. You will find:
As you navigate through the Course Calendar and make decisions about the courses you will take during the next school year, keep the following in mind:
Your longterm goals for education.
Your desired destination: apprenticeship, college, community living, the workplace or university.
Your strengths and interests.
Course Selections
It is important that you complete and submit course selections on time. At the TCDSB, high school students select their courses using the online educational planner, myBlueprint. You should check with your school for exact dates.
You are making a firm commitment when you make course selections. Please note that some courses may be cancelled or combined if enrollment is too low.
Course selection for students under the age of eighteen must be made with parent or caregiver approval. Students are supported in making informed decisions about their secondary school program through the development of their Individual Pathways Plan. Speak with your guidance teacher-counsellor if you have any questions or require further assistance.