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Developing a Plan for Secondary School and Beyond
Ontario’s education and career/life planning program helps students to set and achieve their personal goals. The program helps students become competent, successful and contributing members of society.
In Grades 7 to 12, students document their goals and learning in myBlueprint, a web-based online pathway planning tool to document their Individual Pathways Plan (IPP). Throughout their high school years, students will explore their opportunities, goals and plans for their future careers. The Individual Pathways Plan is the main online planning tool for students as they move towards their next step after high school.
The Individual Pathways Plan gives students the opportunity to develop a valuable repertoire of their learning and planning resources in preparation for post-seondary. Students are encouraged to design their Individual Pathways Plan, and update it regularly. Students are able to share the learning they document in their Individual Pathways Plan with a teacher and/or guidance teacher-counsellor. Students are also encouraged to share their learning with their parent(s)/caregiver(s). For additional information, see the Creative Pathways to Success policy.
myBlueprint: Online Pathway Planning Tool
myBlueprint is a comprehensive Education and Career Planning online tool for TCDSB students. Using the online educational planning tool, students are able to document the process of exploring education and career choices and develop their online Individual Pathway Plan (IPP). TCDSB students login into their myBlueprint account using their TCDSB credentials and families can also create an account.
Developing an Individual Pathway Plan (IPP) using myBlueprint
myBlueprint can be accessed at home or at school.
Activities in myBlueprint empower students to explore their future whether students are preparing for apprenticeship, college, university or workplace and community living.
In myBlueprint, students will be able to:
Complete interest inventories to explore interests and strengths
Plan secondary courses and make course selections for their subsequent school year and review graduation requirements
Learn about post secondary opportunities in Apprenticeship, College, University, and Workplace.
Explore post secondary opportunities, eligibility for post secondary programs, and explore occupations.
Set goals, create resumes, cover letters, and search for employment opportunities.
myBlueprint Resources
TCDSB Student Getting Started Guide: A step by step guide of how to access myBlueprint and pathway planning tools.
TCDSB Student Course Selection Guide: A step by step guide of how to plan and submit high school courses.
TCDSB Family Getting Started Guide: A step by step guide of how to access myBlueprint and pathway planning tools.
Pathway Programs
Learn about some of the information and programs available to students at our TCDSB schools as they prepare for post-secondary education.
Community Connected Experiential Learning
Community-connected experiential learning is an approach to student learning that facilitates opportunities to actively participate in experiences connected to the community outside of school, reflect on those experiences to derive meaning from them, and apply their learning to their decisions and actions in various aspects of their lives.
Cooperative Education
Cooperative (co-op) Education is a program of study that integrates academics with practical experience in the community. This experiential learning can help students make informed decisions about future careers and post-secondary pathways.
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) is a specialized Cooperative Education program for students who choose to explore a community experience or placement in the skilled trades.
Within Cooperative Education, there are 3 OYAP programs to choose from:
OYAP Participant
OYAP Registered with a Training Agreement
Accelerated OYAP for graduating students; *18 programs to choose from (requires an application & interview process)
Visit the TCDSB OYAP website for more information, including OYAP Accelerated Program details, application form, and more.
Specialist High Skills Major
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a fully funded Ministry of Education Diploma Program that students enter in grades 11 and 12. SHSM programming provides students the opportunity to participate in an active learning environment with access to workshops, certifications, field-trips and interactive industry experiences. Upon graduating from the SHSM program, students receive a SHSM Seal of Distinction on their OSSD, along with industry-standard certifications and experience in various economic sectors.
Visit our SHSM page for more information, and follow us on Instagram to see our SHSM programming in action:
Dual Credit Program
The Dual Credit program is a ministry-funded program that allows students, while still in high school, to take college or apprenticeship courses that count towards both the Ontario Secondary Diploma (OSSD) and a post-secondary certificate, diploma, degree, or a Certificate of Apprenticeship.
Visit our Dual Credit Program page for more information:
School Within a College
School Within a College (SWAC) is a Student Success initiative in partnership between the Toronto Catholic District School Board and three Colleges (Humber, Seneca and George Brown Colleges). SWAC gives secondary students the opportunity to earn secondary school credits and dual credit courses (college credit plus high school credit) on a college campus.
The goal is for students to complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and transition to post-secondary destinations.
Post-Secondary Destinations
The main post-secondary pathway destinations for students to consider include: Apprenticeship, College, Community, University and Work. Each pathway has equal value in planning for success. Students are provided with a wide range of course types, programs, supports and learning opportunities to prepare them for future success beyond secondary school.