Offering a wide variety of programming to address individual learning needs, the Mathematics Department is dedicated to helping all students be successful.
This year, we are excited to continue exploring diverse learning experiences:
CEMC University of Waterloo Mathematics Competitions
The competitions are available for Math students in grades 9-12. Competitions provide students the opportunity to get excited about mathematics and recognition from select universities for top scorers.
Enriched/Pre-AP Classes
The classes provide the opportunity to integrate preceding content throughout the year. Students enrolled in Grade 12 will be learning University level content.
After School Numeracy Classes
Offered each semester to provide additional support for students in Grade 9 Math and help students to prepare for the Grade 9 EQAO Mathematics Assessment.
Math Clinic
Offered every Tuesday and Thursday to support students that benefit from teacher support and/or would like enrichment outside of the classroom.
Technology in the Classroom
SMART® Boards; SMART® Clickers; TI® Graphing Calculators; Geometer’s Sketchpad®; D2L Brightspace; Document Cameras; the Flipped Classroom.