Advanced Placement
You can find the following information about Advanced Placement (AP) at our school.
Pre-AP Grade 10
Pre-AP English/Math/Science courses focus on the current Ontario Curriculum but also help enrich your son/daughter’s learning with more challenging study.
The pre-AP courses are designed to help prepare the student for future, more challenging AP work in their senior high school years. If your son/daughter is a creative thinker and likes new challenges, this program may be of interest.
Students admitted in the pre-AP program are recommended by their elementary teachers based on their strong academic skills.
AP Grade 11 and 12
AP English / Math / Science courses offer a more challenging program that focuses on the knowledge and skills that students will need to help prepare them for the College Board AP exams written in grade 12.
This intense level of study will occur in tandem with the regular Ontario Curriculum, but in many ways enhance it. The ultimate goal of this type of study will be to help prepare these students for future postsecondary study as much of the curriculum is modeled after university courses.
Students who do well (Level 4 or higher) on their AP exams may be considered for university credit (depending on the postsecondary institution).
TCDSB Students
Complete the Pre-Advanced Placement Application
NON-TCDSB students
Complete the Pre-Advanced Placement Application