On January 14, 2023 (Saturday) James Cardinal McGuigan Catholic High School hosted the 6th annual Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) High School Debate Championship. Ten teams from across the board participated in a series of animated debates on the following resolution – Be it resolved that (BIRT): Technology is more detrimental to learning than it is helpful.
Debaters prepared speeches for a couple of rounds on this topic and then debated an improvised resolution for the final round on the benefits of a school honour roll. This year saw Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School take top prize at the tournament. Other teams that finished in the top three spots included Bishop Allen Academy and Senator O’Connor College School.
The top debater from the Abbey was Simone B. followed by Stefan H. from Bishop Allen. Sienna T. (Bishop Allen), Miella C. (Senator O’Connor) and Selina M. (Senator O’Connor) all tied for third place. Mr. Enrico Cumbo and Mr. Adrial Fitzgerald from Michael Power - St. Joseph High School and Mr. Santino Bellisario formerly of De La Salle College “Oaklands” ran the tournament. All three have promoted high school debating through years of participation in the Ontario Pro-Con Debate Forum, one of the oldest debating leagues in the province.
Congratulations to everyone at the competition including debaters from St. Mary Catholic Academy and Francis Libermann Catholic High School!