We use modern mathematics educational practices to develop and deepen our students' understanding of mathematical ideas and methods through the exploration of applications, the effective use of technology, abstract reasoning, and hands-on activities. Ideas will be presented in a realistic context, thereby providing students with an opportunity to explore, organize, interpret, and use mathematical models to solve problems. Our curriculum enables students to broaden their understanding of mathematics as it is applied in important areas of day-to-day living.
Department Members
Ms. C. Millette (Department Head)
Ms. C. Anozie
Mr. I. Hedley
Ms. J. Howitt
Mr. W. Ji
Ms. A. Koprianiuk
Ms. Y. Ma
Mr. C. Nunno
Mr. M. Paulo
Mr. F. Perrone
Ms. S. Rimoldi
Mr. R. Sanita
Mr. A. Skrinjar
Coming soon.
Extracurricular Activities
Math Help is available every Wednesday, starting on Wednesday October 19, 2022. Students can drop by Room 224 from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM and a math teacher will be there to assist.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.