Drama is an expression of a basic human need to tell stories about ourselves and others, and to create meaning through narrative and metaphor. Drama provides a unique opportunity to connect as artists and audiences. Through stories, dramatic arts teaches us how to question the world we live in. It exposes the roots of our own struggles and it teaches us how to empathize with the struggles of our fellow human beings.
Courses Offered
Grade 9: ADA 10 (no prerequisite required).
Grade10: ADA 20(no prerequisite required).
Grade 11 ADA 3M Drama - College/University (prerequisites: Grade 9 and/or 10 drama).
Grade 12 ADA 4M Drama - College/University (prerequisite: Grade 11 drama).
Grade 11 ADD 3M Theatre Production - College/University (Grade 9 or 10 or 11 drama or stage/tech crew).
Grade 12 ADD 4M Theatre Production - College/University (Grade 9 or 10 or 11 drama or stage/tech crew).
Please note students may take grade 11/12 drama and Grade 11 theatre production in the same year as there will be no conflict.
Extracurricular Activities
NTS Drama Festival Team
OCS Synergy Dance Club/Crew
Stage and Tech Crew
Art and Stage Show 2022
Abracadabra - "I will create when I speak"
Date: November 10 and November 11
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Auditorium
Cost: $5 advance tickets. $7 at the door.