Specialist High Skills Major Program
The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Program in Health and Wellness at Loretto College School offers students an opportunity to acquire knowledge and learn skills necessary for careers in Health and Wellness.
The SHSM program is available to all students in Grades 11 and 12 in any post-secondary pathway – university, college, apprenticeship training or workplace.
Students in the SHSM program will have the opportunity to:
Customize their education by selecting specialized major credits that meet their interests.
Earn at least seven industry-recognized certifications, paid for by the Ministry of Education, while earning their diploma. Examples of certifications include:
Standard First Aid/CPR.
Infection Control.
AED training.
Safe Food Handling.
Participate in Reach –Ahead, and Experiential Learning Activities in addition to expanding their knowledge through Co-operative Education.
Network with post-secondary institutions, and Health and Wellness businesses in the industry.
Earn a red seal designation on their diploma outlining their unique skills in the Health and Wellness sector.
Prepare a portfolio outlining all of their accomplishments required by many employers and post-secondary institutions.
Maintain flexibility within the program to shift between pathways if their goals and plans change.
In Grade 10, students express interest and apply to the program during their course selections.
In Grade 11, students begin the program by taking appropriate SHSM courses and earning their sector recognized certifications.
In Grade 12, students must complete all SHSM requirements (including Co-operative Education) to be able to graduate with the OSSD SHSM diploma.
Students are encouraged to review the following resources:
Video Overview of SHSM Programs: Arts and Culture | Business | Construction | Environment | Health and Wellness | Hospitality and Tourism | Information and Communications Technology (ICT) | Justice, Community Safety and Emergency Services | Non-Profit, Education and Child Care | Sports | Transportation