Our School
Dress Code
The Loretto College School (LCS) uniform consists of the following:
McCarthy navy blue collared golf shirt (short or long-sleeved) with the Loretto crest. Only a white, black, or navy t-shirt is to be worn underneath.
McCarthy navy blue 1/4 zip sweater with the Loretto crest, or a McCarthy navy blue cardigan with the Loretto crest is optional, but if worn, must be over a McCarthy navy blue collared golf shirt.
McCarthy navy blue dress pants or pleated Loretto College tartan kilt.
McCarthy navy shorts are optional from mid-April to the first week of October.
Navy blue or black tights/navy blue or black knee socks worn with pants and/or kilt. Knee socks must be pulled up when wearing the kilt, but black/navy ankle socks may be worn with the shorts.
Solid black shoes must be worn. They must not have any coloured or white markings such as logos.
Physical Education Uniform: navy blue gym shorts or sweatpants, solid white t-shirt, running shoes.
Kilt Length: A student should be able to feel her kilt with the tips of her fingers. If the tips of her fingers extend beyond the length of the kilt, the kilt is too short.
Where to Buy Uniform
McCarthy Uniforms is the only official supplier of the LCS school uniform and only clothing items bought at McCarthy will be accepted.
If you need more information about uniform requirements, you can call McCarthy Uniforms at 416-593-6900 or 1-800-668-8261 for assistance.
Dress Code Requirements
The full uniform must be worn when arriving at school and throughout the school day.
It must be clean and in good repair.
The full uniform is to be worn on all school trips unless special permission has been arranged with the administration.
Jeans may only be worn on Dress Down Days.
Inappropriate Dress Code
Students may not wear:
Non-McCarthy uniform pieces.
Spirit Wear: Unless approval is given by the Administration. Spirit Wear tops may be worn during late start days.
Head gear or head coverings such as bandanas, hats, baseball caps, head scarves (except as part of a religion's code or requirement).
Jeans, leggings, fleece, cargo, track, and athletic pants.
Moccasins, slippers, Birkenstocks, scandals, mules, open-toe shoes, high tops, and boots.
Dress Code in TCDSB Schools
All Secondary schools within the jurisdiction of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) adopt a Uniform Dress Code.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school.