Special Education
The Special Education Department at Loretto College School provides programs which support student learning through accommodations which allow for credit accumulation. These programs are designed to meet the needs of all exceptional students.
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed for each student to support their academic learning based upon their strengths, needs and learning styles.
Special Education Resource Teacher
A Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT) is assigned to each student with an Individual Education Plan to help facilitate success with a focus on supporting each student’s development.
SERTs work with students, parents and classroom teachers to ensure supports are in place to allow for targeted intervention of student learning needs.
It is our goal to provide the proper attention and support to each student so that they can successfully transition from secondary to post-secondary pathways.
Resource Room
The Resource Room is available to individuals or groups of students in Special Education who need accommodations such as assistance with assignments or tests. These students ask their regular classroom teachers to use the Resource Room for a quite space to work, to use the computers for writing or editing assignments and projects, and to access one-on-one or small group re-teaching of concepts/curriculum.
A SERT is available in the room to see students for extra support during the school day; if arranged ahead of time, students may also drop in on their lunch, before or after school.
Gifted Program
A wide variety of enrichment activities are available to students at Loretto College Secondary. Students are given the opportunity to challenge themselves through the Math, Science and Technology Program.