Photo of Hans at a computer terminal

Francis Libermann Catholic High School student Hanz P. won the gold medal in the Coding competition at the esteemed Skills Ontario Provincial Competition. This victory marks the school's second gold medal at this competition, underscoring its enduring legacy of education excellence. Hanz also won the Award Of Excellence as the Top-Ranking Secondary Competitor at the entire provincial competition this year.

"Being able to compete in different competitions year-round really encouraged me to expand my horizons," shared Hanz, about the path leading to his big win. "I think it all started from when I joined the Hacking Team back in Grade 9, to the Reach Ahead Computer Science program in Grade 10 and 11, and in my Robotics class in Grade 12."

"I am really happy to be able to provide our students with enrichment learning such as programming a Commodore 64 to control an electronic circuit," explained Mr. Spessot, his Robotics teacher. "Being able to do programming on physical devices really helps our students to extend their learning from Computer Science class."

His success also highlights the effectiveness of the full year S.T.E.A.M. program at FLCHS, where elite students participate in hands-on experiential learning throughout the year. Mr. Miller, Hanz's Computer Science teacher, spoke glowingly about his dedication to practicing and learning. "Hanz is just like a sponge, open to absorbing everything that I throw at him all year! I'm happy that Hanz now gets to work on the challenging problem of choosing between various scholarship offers."

Hanz's achievement not only reflects positively on his individual talent, but also showcases the collective efforts of the school's faculty, administration, and supportive community in nurturing the next generation of skilled professionals. As FLCHS celebrates its second consecutive provincial gold medal and its first Award Of Excellence, it reaffirms its dedication to quality education and its commitment to empowering students to reach their full potential.

Photo of Hans at a computer terminal