Parent Council
Parents and guardians play a significant role in ensuring the success of our students. Our Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) provides a forum for families to understand, engage and support issues that affect the education of our students.
The CSPC consists of parents (the majority), the Principal or Vice Principal, a teacher, a non-teaching employee, a student and one or more community representatives.
Principals consult with their CSPC on a variety of matters affecting student learning and seek recommendations to improve student achievement and school performance. Executive council members are elected for a one-year term that lasts from the first meeting of one school year to the first meeting of the next.
All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend the Council meetings and to become actively involved in our school community in any way they can.
Meeting Dates
Dates and invitations will be announced to parents via SchoolMessenger.
Agendas and Minutes
For archived agendas and minutes, contact the parent council or school principal.