Our School
Resource Services
At Francis Libermann we believe each child is unique and has their own special talent. We work within an inclusive environment to meet the needs of our students with diverse and exceptional learning needs.
We strive to provide the appropriate programs and services in a nurturing, respectful and inclusive atmosphere. Francis Libermann supports their teachers with a collaborative school team that will work together to provide excellent resources and support to meet the diverse learning needs of their students.
We serve students who have been deemed exceptional through the IPRC process, as well as those students who may be having academic difficulty and could benefit from additional instructional support.
Offered Services
The Learning Strategies/GLE Course is a credit course, which should be taken by any student who requires an improvement in their learning skills, and/or assistance with academics. Skills for school success like organization, note-taking, reading from a textbook, listening skills, literacy and numeracy are taught to the students, and those skills are then applied using the content from the core subject areas.
The ISP- Intensive Support Program (Life Skills) is for students who are not working on an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The focus of this non-credit program is on developing functional academics, life skills and preparation for the world of work in our local community.
A Monitoring Teacher is assigned to each student who has an IEP and/or is identified as an exceptional student. They are responsible for writing/updating your child’s IEP, presenting your child at an IPRC (if applicable) along with monitoring their academic progress throughout the school year.
The Gifted Program is facilitated by two teachers (Grades 7/8 Program and Grades 9 to 12 Program). Students are provided with a wide variety of enrichment activities and are given the opportunity to challenge themselves with university-level work through the Advanced Placement exams. Students also participate in a number of cross-curricular activities, including Odyssey of the Mind, CSUNA, E=MC 2 (Queen’s University), Journey of Discovery, Pro-Con Debating Society, Social Justice Symposium, and the University of Waterloo Mathematics Competition.
Your Child’s Day
Whether your child takes locally developed, applied or academic courses, their day will look like any other student’s day. We are a non-semestered school and we are on a Day 1/Day 2 schedule. They move from class to class every period. If they are taking GLE, a credit bearing course, classes will be taught by a teacher with Special Education qualifications.
Intensive Support Programs Classes
Our program takes place in a Special Education class with partial integration. Each class is taught by a dynamic staff member who is qualified in Special Education. Classes are mostly held in Rooms 142, 143, 144 and the Gymnasium.
Our program is geared to the development of life skills, including:
Personal life skills
Transit training
Community exploration
Money management
Faith development.
Students go to Variety Village on a weekly basis and also represent Francis Libermann in the TCDSB Bowling League.
Contact Us
Thank you for visiting the Special Education Department. Should you have any questions, please contact the Department Head at 416-393-5524.